It’s A Whole New World
Whose having a moment right now? It seems like every hour/every day/every week is a roller coaster. Who can blame you? It’s a Whole New World! We’re in unprecedented times. We’re worried about our families, friends, people who are less fortunate, the healthcare workers, the people who still go to work everyday risking their lives to take care of us. The list goes on and on. It can also get overwhelming. So I hope you take moments to reflect and find a spark of joy that will help ground you to what is working for you at the moment.

So it’s a little ironic that my last post (more than a year ago!) was about finding peace and trying to meditate. If you asking if I improved in my meditation practice, my answer is no. I recently renewed my subscription for my Calm app a few days ago so I better take advantage of it. Sleep has been sporadic so I find myself using the bedtime story feature a bit. It’s basically having a story read to me by the soothing voices of people such as Matthew McConaughey and other noteworthy voice actors :).

I hope you’re finding community with loved ones because loneliness is the silent killer. Social distancing isn’t about social isolation. Take it from an introvert who enjoys being alone. I like spending time with people, just not in a large group setting. I have weekly zoom calls with a few folks to check in. It feels less of an obligation to do these check-ins because in normal circumstances, I normally put off calling because we’re all busy. Now, we got nothing but time!

I know that it can be overwhelming with news, social media & the like so I may have somewhat serious things to post while also offering more whimsical items so that we all of a chance to take our minds off current events. If you could so kindly take this survey, I can see what you want to read.

Take care of yourselves and I’ll be seeing you soon!
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