New England Dreams
I hear that we’re 3 weeks ahead of schedule in the weather front. Technically, we’re supposed to get 20+ more days of winter and instead, we’ve gotten days into the 60s. All of this weather has started me thinking about New England because as we move into the calendar, I’ll start making my way up to Boston and other parts of the northeast for baseball, beaches, & delicious seafood.
I’ve been going to Cape Cod since 1997 with the Mister to visit his family. They’ve had a home there since the Mister was in his late teens and like many other New England families, they “summer”-ed on the Cape from the time he was a toddler. When I started going there, I could tell that I would automatically de-stress because it’s a bit rustic and a bit Norman Rockwell.

We’ve started going to Maine in recent years and we’ve enjoyed exploring the towns that are nearby to where we have relatives.

I’m far from being an outdoorsy person and my experience in Maine almost changed my attitude (almost).
One of my favorite things to do is eat as much seafood as possible when I’m there and it never disappoints.
Do you have any favorite places in New England?
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