A Diet of Cough Drops & Tofu Soup
I’ve lost the war on my cold. I’ve been fortunate for most of the cold/flu season to not have gotten sick and my trip to Philly pushed me over the edge. I pretty much have lost my voice and I’ve been popping cough drops like it’s going out of style. Usually I like to have pho when I’m sick. This time, the siren song of tofu soup called out to me.
Yesterday, I trained up to Philly and I brought a good number of cough drops for the trip. Unfortunately, I ran out and as I was getting back to the station to hop on my train home, I stopped off to replenish my supply. The menthol version really helped clear up my congestion. Since I didn’t get home until after 11:30pm and didn’t really go to sleep until after 12:30am (gotta watch the figure skating during the Olympics!), I didn’t help my recovery.

Hope everyone is taking care of themselves!
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