A Morning with Vermeer
Just blocks away from my house is the National Gallery of Art, which houses modern and classical artwork from errrrybody. It’s amazing when you think how much culture is only mere steps from me and it’s FREE!!! So the Mister and I decided to make a morning of seeing Vermeer and the other Masters of Genre Painting. The exhibit runs until January 21st so GO!!
A few weeks ago, we saw a segment about the Vermeer exhibit. The last time a Vermeer collection was in DC was 20 years ago so we decided that it was high time that we got in on the action before it would be another 20 years. We have lived on the same street for 20 years so that has not changed. We’re the ones that needed the kick in the pants!
I am much more accustomed to entering into the building from the east wing gallery. It was recently re-opened after a major renovation so it has been getting a lot of attention.

The Vermeer exhibit is in the other wing of the gallery which has a more classical feel.

Now we’re getting to the really really good stuff! This exhibit showcases Vermeer and other Masters of Genre Painting. It shows that throughout time and network, theses artists were able to inspire one another to create pieces that could be connected by their vision. Incredible to see what was popular at that time and how the artists turned their vision into art. What I took away from the exhibit is how they captured the beauty of the time (the clothes, the hair, the mundane, everyday pieces, paintings within a painting etc..)

All of the pieces that I shared were not painted by Vermeer. The other Masters in his field were exceptionally talented and captured a different perspective. It was a delight to see it in person!
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